Category:Medicine, Health & Beauty Country:Poland Featured companiesfffff
ZPH „Alina Cosmetics” was founded in 1994 by Zuzanna and Zbigniew Kalman as a small family company. The company is a small production plant leaded with great personal involvement, equipped very well with professional facilities for cosmetic production. It is located in Żyrardów, 40km from Warsaw.
Alina Cosmetics produces new generation cosmetics based on own formulations and raw materials coming from world-renowned companies, which guarantee the safety of use.
The company specializes[...]
Akces-Med Sp. z o.o. [polish] [english]
Dear Sirs,
It is our desire that each specialist involved in lengthy and complex treatment and rehabilitation of patients with locomotor dysfunctions be fully aware of our orthopedic products. This most basic information often determines the final result of the treatment, and consequently, the mental and physical condition of a disabled patient embarking on a new stage of life. We are convinced that, as a result of our work, disabled people will not be tainted in our society; that they will become[...]
Gespar G.Pyjor, A.Olszewski, M.Sutkowski - Sp.j.
Gespar sp.j. jest dystrybutorem włoskich firm produkujących wyroby dla osób z problemami nietrzymania moczu.
W swojej ofercie posiadamy następujące marki produktów:
1. PHARMA - pieluchomajtki i pieluchy anatomiczne wykonane z materiału
2. FLUFSAN Active i Lady Pants - majtki chłonne.
3. FLUFSAN - podkłady chłonne.
3. FLORELLE Lady - wkładki anatomiczne dla kobiet.
Dystrybuowane przez Gespar pieluchomajtki, pieluchy i podkłady podlegają, jako "środki[...]
Fabryka Kosmetyków Hean [polish] [english]
Hean is a producer and distributor of makeup and care cosmetics in the segment of popular mass products.
The company was founded in Krakow in 1981. Our production plant, the research laboratory and the trade office are located in Krakow at 20 Mochnackiego street.
Our flexible production and trade policy allow us adjust to current market trends.
At present we co-operate with about 2,000 beauty shops to which we deliver makeup and care Hean™ cosmetics as well as cosmetics under networks´[...]
Studio Figura International [polish] [english]
Studio Figura® Poland – is a creator and owner of the trademark STUDIO FIGURA®.
Manifacturer of devices that provide equipment for the SPA, weight loss and body shaping cabinets, beauty salons, gyms and fitness clubs.
Our assortment includes devices for massage:
roll-massage – Roll-shaper: GOLD, DIAMOND, design BB with audio, design BB with infrared light, Xtra,
massage beds and chairs,
Devices for training in vacuum:
Devices training with infrared light:
Klinika Handsome Men [polish] [english]
The clinic established in 1991.
We would like to recommend the newest solutions of supplementing hair loss by non-surgical and painless methods, highly efficient for any type of balding. Depending on the type of balding and the amount of hair left on the skull, we apply the latest technologies, which are the effect of work conducted by American, Canadian, Japanese and Polish research centres.
Applied methods:
* Implant Micro-Derme
* Intensifiers
* Hair pieces
Proven effectiveness[...]
ElectricPl (1982)
1. Elektryczne Systemy Grzewcze znanych i renomowanych firm polskich i zagranicznych
(Stiebel Eltron, AEG, Dimplex, Atlantic, Siemens, Elektrotermia, Thermoval, Kospel, Elektra , Euroster, Ariston, inne)
2. Uroda i zdrowie
- LifeWave - nanotechnologia - Żyj długo Żyj zdrowo - Nadzieja dla chorych
- Hydropure (filtry do wody, odwrócona osmoza) czysta zdrowa woda
- Jonizatory wody
- StaRlife - suplementy, kosmetyki, urządzenia wellness
- Tiens-Tianshi - suplementy,[...]
SCAN ANIDA Spółka z o.o.
Scan Anida Sp. z o.o. jest producentem wyrobów farmaceutycznych i kosmetycznych.
Posiada koncesję Ministra Zdrowia oraz certyfikat ISO 9001:2000. Najbardziej znane wyroby to: ACERIN płyn do usuwania odcisków oraz SORA szampon przeciwko wszawicy. Spółka produkuje też szeroką gamę kremów do pielęgnacji rąk i paznokci oraz serię preparatów do stóp pod marką ANIDA. Firma oferuje również usługi produkcyjne dla właścicieli marek własnych na wytwarzanie balsamów, kremów, żeli[...]